Kevin's Initiative for a Comprehensive AI Workforce Protection Bill

The “AI Workforce Protection Act,”

a proposed bill that truly aims to MAKE AUTOMATED SYSTEMS WORK FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in the domain of artificial intelligence and technological advancements.

The Genesis of a Groundbreaking Bill

In a world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, the conversation around these technologies' impact on the workforce has never been more critical. Kevin Bihan-Poudec, a data analyst with roots in a small town in the South of France, found himself at the heart of this conversation after moving to the USA at the age of 16 and harboring great hopes for his new home. His interest in new technologies and most recently, EthicalAI, deepened over the last 6 months, leading him to a pivotal moment after receiving an insightful email from Congressman Shri Thanedar.

Congressman Thanedar, a known advocate for sensible AI regulation, expressed his enthusiasm for the potential of AI to revolutionize industries and address societal problems. However, he also emphasized the importance of implementing AI with careful regulation to ensure privacy, accessibility, and equity. His support for H.R. 3369, the “Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act”, was a step in this direction, aimed at studying advances in AI technology.

Identifying the Gaps

While appreciative of the efforts reflected in existing proposals like the White House AI Bill of Rights, the Responsible Advanced Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024 or the H.R. 3369, Kevin realized something crucial was missing. Neither document adequately addressed the direct, tangible ways to help American workers adapt to the disruptive changes brought about by AI and automation. This realization came into sharper focus upon reviewing another recent legislative effort, the "Responsible Advanced Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024," which similarly lacked specific measures for workforce support.

Frustrated by the lack of detailed frameworks in these legislative efforts to mitigate AI's negative impacts on employment, Kevin decided it was time to act. He envisioned a bill that would not only consider the broad implications of AI but would also provide concrete, actionable solutions for those most at risk of displacement.

Drafting the Bill

Kevin's bill, tentatively titled the "AI Workforce Protection Act," aims to bridge the gap between AI innovation and workforce vulnerability. Here are the key features of the proposed bill:

  • Private Sector Regulation: The bill mandates that tech companies with significant profits temporarily halt worker displacement. This measure allows the government time to enhance unemployment services and implement reskilling and upskilling programs, preparing the workforce for the transition period of the AI era.

  • AI Impact Assessments: Before any AI technology is implemented on a large scale, it would be subject to an “AI Impact Assessment”. This assessment would analyze the potential job market disruptions and propose measures to mitigate negative effects.

  • AI-Enhanced Government Services: The bill proposes using Artificial Intelligence to modernize unemployment services, enhancing their capacity to support workers displaced by AI and automation. It also advocates for increasing unemployment funds through taxpayer contributions to provide temporary relief to those most affected.

  • Federal Healthcare Support: The bill ensures that during the transition period, displaced workers due to AI and automation receive temporary healthcare support provided by the states, safeguarding their well-being while they adapt to new employment landscapes.

  • Comprehensive Workforce Transition Programs: The bill proposes the creation of government-funded retraining programs tailored specifically to industries most affected by AI and automation. These programs would be designed to provide both technical and non-technical skills, preparing the workforce for the jobs of tomorrow.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: To foster innovation while ensuring workforce protection, the bill encourages partnerships between the government, academia, and private sector. These partnerships would focus on developing AI technologies that create new job opportunities and enhance workers' capabilities.

  • Economic Incentives for AI Ethics: Companies that implement ethical AI practices, including transparency in AI decision-making and ensuring AI systems are free from bias, would be eligible for tax breaks and other economic incentives.

The Road Ahead

As Kevin Bihan-Poudec embarks on the journey to draft the "AI Workforce Protection Act," he stands at the very beginning of a process that may appear paradoxical at first: using AI to regulate AI. In these modern times, the emphasis on leveraging available technologies such as AI for the greater good is a core principle in how AI should be deployed. This approach supports Kevin's strategy to draft a bill that not only addresses the challenges posed by AI but also utilizes AI to enhance the legislative process.

In the coming week, Kevin plans to dive deeply into drafting his bill, relying on AI to provide crucial insights. By harnessing AI’s capacity to analyze vast amounts of data and predict future trends, Kevin aims to identify the most effective strategies to ensure that his bill not only reaches the U.S. Congress but also resonates with the lawmakers ahead of the mid-term elections of 2024. The timing is critical, as the mid-terms will provide a pivotal moment for introducing new legislation that can shape the future.

The essence of Kevin's mission is rooted in the belief that it is in the best interest of all Americans for this bill to pass. The transition to an AI-driven economy is inevitable, and unless proactive measures are put in place, many Americans face the risk of job displacement and economic upheaval. Kevin's bill seeks to safeguard the American workforce from these impacts by proposing robust protective measures and creating opportunities for workers to thrive in the new technological landscape.

By advancing this legislation, Kevin hopes to set a precedent for how emerging technologies should be integrated into society—responsibly and ethically, with a focus on public benefit. The "AI Workforce Protection Act" is more than just a legislative proposal; it's a commitment to ensuring that as AI reshapes our world, no American is left behind. This proactive approach is not just about adaptation; it's about shaping a future where AI serves humanity, enhancing our capabilities without compromising our values or our livelihoods.


In an era where technological advancement shows no signs of slowing down, the need for comprehensive, forward-thinking legislation has never been more apparent. Kevin Bihan-Poudec's response to a call from Congress exemplifies the kind of leadership and innovation required to turn the challenges of AI and automation into opportunities for all.


From all of the information provided, summary what the bill is in regards to in bullet points and provide the Five Ws: Who, What, Where, When and Why.


Here's a summary of the bill in bullet points:

  • H.R. 3369 is titled the "Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act."

  • The bill requires the Department of Commerce to conduct a study on accountability measures for artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

  • The study will analyze how accountability measures are incorporated into AI systems used in communication networks and applications.

  • The Department must consult with stakeholders and hold public meetings to gather feedback.

  • The findings and recommendations from the study and meetings must be reported to relevant congressional committees.

The Five Ws:


  • Sponsored by Rep. Josh Harder [D-CA-9].

  • The study will be conducted by the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information.


  • A legislative bill that addresses the need for accountability in artificial intelligence systems.


  • The bill is presented and processed within the United States legislative bodies, specifically the House of Representatives.


  • Introduced on 05/16/2023.

  • Latest action as of the document provided was on 10/25/2023, placed on the Union Calendar.


  • To ensure that AI systems are safe, responsible, trustworthy, and accountable to the public.

  • To facilitate the closing of the digital divide and promote digital inclusion.

  • To reduce cybersecurity and other risks associated with AI systems.

  • To determine what information regarding AI systems should be available to the public.


Do some research online to find out if there are any updates more recent than 10/25/2023 in regards to this bill.


As of the most recent update available, H.R. 3369, the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act, remains in the status of "Introduced" in the legislative process. It has not yet passed the House, and no further actions have been reported since it was placed on the Union Calendar on October 25, 2023​ (​. If there have been any developments after this date, they are not reflected in the publicly available records as of now.


Does the bill mention specifically anything in regards to the job displacement issue caused by the unchecked implementation of artificial intelligence in American workforce?


The summary and text of the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act, H.R. 3369, as provided, do not specifically address the issue of job displacement caused by AI in the American workforce. The focus of the bill is on accountability measures for AI systems, analysis of trustworthiness in AI, and the availability of information about AI systems to the public. It does not mention the economic impacts such as job displacement directly.


What does the bill aim to achieve? Be specific


H.R. 3369, the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act, aims to:

  1. Mandate the Department of Commerce to study and incorporate accountability measures into artificial intelligence (AI) systems, particularly in communication networks and spectrum sharing applications.

  2. Examine how such measures can close the digital divide and support digital inclusion.

  3. Assess the reduction of risks related to AI, including cybersecurity threats.

  4. Analyze and define the term "trustworthy" within the context of AI, exploring its relationship with terms like "responsible" and "human-centric."

  5. Engage stakeholders through public meetings to gather feedback on AI accountability.

  6. Provide Congress with recommendations for actions to support effective accountability measures for AI systems.


Does the bill mention anything in regards to the government examining AI systems and their potential negative impacts on the workforce prior to deployment?


The bill, as provided in the summary and detailed sections, does not explicitly mention government examination of AI systems for their potential negative impacts on the workforce prior to deployment. It focuses on the incorporation of accountability measures and the study of such systems regarding trustworthiness and the mitigation of risks, but not specifically on job displacement or workforce impacts.


Does the bill mention anything in regards to raising unemployment funds to meet the current and future demand of displaced workers due to the implementation of AI systems and automation?


The bill does not mention raising unemployment funds or any financial provisions specifically for workers displaced by AI systems and automation. Its focus is primarily on studying accountability measures for AI and ensuring these systems are trustworthy and responsible, rather than addressing economic impacts like unemployment or worker displacement.


Explain what this bill is supposed to do as if I was a 13-year old.


Okay, so imagine you have a really smart robot that can do lots of tasks and make decisions like a human. This bill, like a set of rules for that robot, is trying to make sure the robot does things the right way and doesn’t mess up or do anything it shouldn’t. It’s like when your teachers set rules for classroom activities to make sure everyone is safe and everything is fair. The bill wants people who make and use these robots to talk about the best ways to keep them in check and then tell the government how to do that. This way, the robots can be helpful without causing problems for people.


Does the bill include anything that the White House Bill of Rights attached doesn’t include? What would be its purpose as a standalone bill?


The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights provides a set of five principles to guide the design, use, and deployment of automated systems to protect the rights of the American public. These principles focus on ensuring safe and effective systems, preventing algorithmic discrimination, maintaining data privacy, providing notice and explanation of systems, and allowing human alternatives. It emphasizes the need for automated systems to be transparent, accountable, and designed in consultation with diverse communities. It seeks to integrate these principles into the technological design process and establish practices that entities can follow to protect individuals and communities from potential harms of AI.

In contrast, H.R. 3369, the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act, focuses more specifically on governmental accountability measures. It directs a study and public consultations to define "trustworthy" AI systems and recommends actions to ensure AI accountability. It involves stakeholders in the process of establishing standards for AI systems used in telecommunications and digital inclusion, analyzing cybersecurity risks, and promoting trustworthiness in AI systems.

Key Differences:

  • The Blueprint is broader and aims at setting out principles applicable across various sectors and contexts, promoting protections against potential AI harms universally.

  • H.R. 3369 is focused on governmental actions and policy recommendations, detailing specific steps and studies to ensure accountability in AI deployment within the U.S. government and public sectors.

  • The Blueprint emphasizes inclusivity and the engagement of diverse communities in its principles, whereas H.R. 3369 focuses on stakeholder feedback specifically related to accountability measures.

Both frameworks aim to protect public interests and ensure the ethical use of AI, but they do so from slightly different angles: the Blueprint by establishing broad guiding principles and the bill by providing a governmental framework for accountability and study .


From the attached document, which is an open letter aimed at the U.S. Congress titled “Act Now”, provide in detail, in bullet points, any relevant information that the White House AI Bill of Rights and H.R. 3369 don’t include in regards to “MAKING AUTOMATED SYSTEMS WORK FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE”. Provide your answers in different categories and its impact on society, the economy, and anything else you might find relevant.


From the "Act Now" document, there are several areas of emphasis and recommendations that address the impact of AI and automation on society, which are not specifically covered by the White House AI Bill of Rights and H.R. 3369. Here's a detailed breakdown by category:


Societal Impact:

  • Modernization of Public Services: The letter calls for the modernization of public services like the Employment Development Department (EDD) to enhance efficiency and handle future demands, especially with potential displacement due to AI technologies. It suggests using AI to manage simple inquiries, allowing human agents to handle more complex issues, thereby balancing innovation and empathy​​.

  • Workforce Transition and Support: There is an emphasis on strategic investments in robotics for public benefit, suggesting that while robotics can enhance public safety and disaster response, Congress should ensure that these technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that benefits society equitably and does not lead to job displacement​​.

Economic Impact:

  • Job Creation and Mitigation of Displacement: The letter urges Congress to foster environments that capitalize on the job creation potential of AI and implement strategies to minimize the impact on workers susceptible to automation. It calls for comprehensive retraining programs and a reevaluation of the educational system​​.

  • Enhancing Public-Private Partnerships: Encouraging collaboration between government, educational institutions, and the private sector to develop workforce development and job placement solutions leveraging each stakeholder's strengths​​.

Additional Considerations:

  • Ethical and Policy Considerations: The document suggests developing and enforcing ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks to ensure equitable access to opportunities created by AI, protecting workers from automation risks including job displacement and discrimination​​.


These areas provide a more direct approach to addressing the practical implications of AI and automation on the workforce and society, suggesting specific actions and policy initiatives that go beyond the general principles of AI accountability and rights protection found in H.R. 3369 and the AI Bill of Rights. They emphasize a proactive stance in managing the transition towards an increasingly automated society, ensuring that AI and automation do not exacerbate social inequalities or economic disparities.


From what you provided above, would the “Act Now” letter be useful and necessary to safeguard Human Rights and safeguard societal well being in America for its workforce and its people?


Yes, the "Act Now" letter appears to be a valuable and necessary contribution to safeguarding human rights and societal well-being in America, particularly in relation to the workforce and the broader community. Here are several reasons why:


  1. Addressing Job Displacement and Retraining Needs: The letter's focus on job creation, workforce transition, and retraining programs is crucial in an era where AI and automation are rapidly transforming industries. By advocating for measures that minimize the impact of automation on workers and enhance their skills for new jobs, it supports a more resilient workforce.

  2. Enhancing Public Services: The recommendation to modernize public services using AI to improve efficiency while retaining human oversight ensures that technological advancements contribute positively to society, enhancing service delivery without compromising on human empathy and understanding.

  3. Promoting Ethical AI Use: By urging the development of ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks for AI, the letter aims to ensure that the deployment of these technologies is fair and just, protecting against discrimination and ensuring equitable access to technology's benefits.

  4. Fostering Public-Private Partnerships: The encouragement of collaborations between government, academia, and the private sector can lead to innovative solutions that support workforce development and job placement, leveraging the strengths of each sector to address societal challenges posed by AI and automation.


5.Societal and Economic Balance: The letter’s approach to balancing innovation with societal impact is essential for ensuring that the benefits of AI and automation are distributed equitably across different sectors of society, thereby safeguarding against widening socio-economic disparities.

In summary, the initiatives and viewpoints expressed in the "Act Now" letter provide a comprehensive framework aimed at ensuring that technological advancements in AI and automation are managed in a way that prioritizes human rights and societal well-being, making it a useful and necessary document for guiding policy and legislative action in this area.


Explain what the "AI Workforce Protection Act" is supposed to do as if I was a 13-year old.


Alright! Imagine you’re playing a video game where robots and computers start doing all the tasks that people usually do, like making things in factories or answering phones in offices. Now, because robots are doing these jobs, some people might not have work to do.

The "AI Workforce Protection Act" is like a plan made by people in charge to help those who might lose their jobs because of these robots and computers. This plan wants to:

  1. Teach New Skills: Help people learn new things so they can do other cool jobs that robots can't do.

  2. Check What Robots Do: Before robots start working, this plan checks to make sure they won't cause problems for people’s jobs.

  3. Work Together: It gets schools, companies, and the government to work together to come up with good ideas so everyone can have a job even when there are lots of robots.

So, this act is all about making sure that as robots and computers start doing more work, people aren’t left out and have new opportunities to work at other important things!


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